CKAN will be extended to allow applications to input into CKAN using SWORD. It has been decided that this extension will benefit not only Orbital, but several other projects for storing data via SWORD input in the wider CKAN community.
The setup process is outlined in the CKAN Documentation. This has been followed to setup the CKAN source install, which is needed to be able to create the CKAN SWORD extension.
CKAN Problems
I have been active in the IRC channel with other CKAN members and got their feedback on creating a CKAN source instance. This was mostly done to overcome a number of errors during the setup. This happened several times, such as with the version being run having a feature depreciated and so not being able to find a file. Or such as the database not being initialised due to a missing component. The install has not yet been completed due to these issues, but an instance of Solr has been implemented.
The documentaion at step 4 instructs to install CKAN source code. The first says how to install the latest code:
pip install --ignore-installed -e git+
pip install --ignore-installed -e git+
The Solr instance was easy to follow and implement and connect to over localhost. However, when the schema.xml file was replaced with CKANs, it no longer worked only to throw an error that it could not find teh file when it existed.
The problem turned out to be that the location of thee schema.xml of CKAN was not in the directory specified in the documentation. It was, however, in the install so the correct directory was found and the file moved across. Solr did indeed work, and the problem of the file not existing was that a blank file was created due to the CKAN schema being moved not existing. The documented location of the file is as follows:
The actual location of the file is thus:
Now, the discrepancy between the two locations is not much , as the home directory is just replaced with the pyenv/srv directory. This, when following instructions, is not known as the schema.xml could be in either directory.
Section 9 - Create database tables states to use the following command to initialise the database tables:
paster --plugin=ckan db init